Node Js & Express Js

Are you ready to explore the exciting world of web development with Node.js and Express? Welcome to our course, where we’ll guide you through building powerful and scalable web applications using these popular technologies. Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code on the server-side, enabling you to build fast and scalable web applications. Express is a minimalist web framework for Node.js that provides a robust set of features for building web APIs and server-side applications.

Who Should Take This Course?

Our Node.js with Express course is suitable for:

  • Web Developers
  • Backend Developers
  • Full-stack Developers
  • Anyone interested in learning Node.js and Express for web development

Course Content

Introduction to Node.js and Express

  • What is Node.js?
  • What is Express?
  • Why use Node.js and Express for web development?
  • Setting up a development environment (installing Node.js, npm, etc.).

Getting Started with Express

  • Creating a basic Express application
  • Understanding routes and middleware
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Templating engines (e.g., Handlebars, EJS) in Express

Express Middleware

  • What is middleware?
  • Writing custom middleware
  • Using third-party middleware (e.g., Morgan for logging, Body-parser for parsing requests)

Working with Data

  • Introduction to databases in Node.js (e.g., MongoDB, PostgreSQL)
  • Integrating databases with Express applications
  • Performing CRUD operations with Express and a database
  • Using ORMs (Object-Relational Mappers) like Sequelize or Mongoose

Authentication and Authorization

  • Introduction to authentication and authorization
  • Implementing user authentication using Passport.js
  • Securing routes and resources with middleware
  • Role-based access control

Error Handling

  • Understanding error handling in Express
  • Error handling middleware
  • Handling different types of errors (e.g., validation errors, database errors)


  • Unit testing Express applications (using frameworks like Mocha, Chai)
  • Integration testing with tools like Supertest
  • Mocking HTTP requests/responses for testing
  • Best practices for testing Express applications


  • Preparing an Express application for production
  • Choosing a hosting provider (e.g., Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean)
  • Deploying an Express application to a server
  • Configuring Nginx or other reverse proxies for serving Express applications

Advanced Topics

  • Websockets with
  • Building RESTful APIs with Express
  • Real-time applications with Express and WebSockets
  • Performance optimization techniques


  • Recap of key concepts learned
  • Further resources for learning
  • Suggestions for next steps in your Node.js and Express journey